Blogs > Quality Engineering > Elevating Test Script Resilience: Transforming Selenium Test Automation with Self-Healing Locators
Elevating Test Script Resilience: Transforming Selenium Test Automation with Self-Healing Locators
Feb 19 2024 |8 min read
Problem Statement

Our client was facing issues with the testing of their application, which was undergoing frequent updates. Due to these changes the UI automation had low pass percentage, CI CD pipeline was broken most of the time, there was a considerable effort involved in fixing the automation scripts with each iteration and most of the time the team reverted to testing the application manually. With the client experiencing significant downtime, prolonged regression suite execution, and release impacts, they reached out to us to find a solution.

Client Information

The customer is one of the largest investment management firms providing solutions to institutions, financial professionals, and millions of individuals worldwide.

Key Challenges
  • Continuous automation failures occur due to the frequent changes in the UI.
  • Excessive manual effort required for updating locators after changes in the DOM structure.
  • Broken CI CD CT pipeline due to low automation pass percentage.
  • GemHeal introduces a proactive approach to automated locator healing by using LCS algorithm dynamically during test run as described below:
  • The initial GemHeal run captures the DOM structure of each UI page and stores that. During subsequent test execution, if any locator changes, it intelligently identifies these modifications and provides the script with the best probable candidate for the changed Locator. This ensures that the updated locators are automatically applied, and the automation execution proceeds unhindered.
  • It also generates detailed reports on locator updates. These reports provide insights into the nature of changes and the updated values used in locators, which can be leveraged by QE Engineers to fix their scripts. By clearly identifying broken locators and providing new values, GemHeal empowers QA teams to swiftly address issues without the need for manual investigation.
  • GemHeal is designed to seamlessly integrate with Cucumber-BDD, Serenity, and Selenium automation reports. This ease of integration enables teams to incorporate GemHeal into their existing automation frameworks, enhancing overall efficiency and collaboration.

The implementation of GemHeal has yielded significant benefits:

  • Achieved a 70% reduction in script-fixing time for automation, enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Improved CI/CD pipeline uptime by over 75%, ensuring more reliable and continuous integration and delivery.
  • GemHeal's intelligent algorithms dynamically adapts to application changes thus reducing manual effort for updating locators in test scripts.
  • Automated reporting feature helps streamline issue resolution related to DOM changes.
  • Substantial time and cost savings achieved by automating locator healing, minimizing the impact of application changes on automated testing.
Raghav Suneja

Raghav Suneja

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