Case Study > Technology > Revolutionizing Test Automation: Accelerating Manual Test Case Conversion with AI
Revolutionizing Test Automation: Accelerating Manual Test Case Conversion with AI
Mar 21 2024 |7 min read

Problem Statement:

The customer was grappling with a substantial backlog of manual test cases for a UI-centric product. Despite minimal changes, the necessity of executing automation and regression tests manually consumed significant time. Faced with this challenge, they approached us seeking a swift solution to streamline the regression lifecycle without extensive time investment.

Client Information:

The customer is one of the largest investment management firms providing solutions to institutions, financial professionals, and millions of individuals worldwide.

Key Challenges:

  • Automation Backlog: The client had many test cases not automated and executed in every release cycle, despite most enhancements being focused on the backend.
  • Knowledge Silos: knowledge of certain features were limited to specific testers which resulted in dependency during testing life cycle.
  • Test Information Gaps: Test cases contained incomplete information, making the verifications inconsistent.
  • Confirmation Biases and Fatigue: Due to the daily execution of test cases, even with minimal changes in the UI, there was a risk that manual testers were missing issues.


Gemini's QE team developed GemGen, an automated testing solution to handle the above challenges with the following key steps:

  • Read and analyze the manual test cases using NLP.
  • Identify elements, actions and other information from the test case.
  • Simulate the scenario using Selenium and identify locators.
  • Create locators files, BDD steps and their implementations along with feature file in a new project just like an automation engineer would have done.
  • The automation project created replaces the manual regression suite with the newly automatically created automation suite.


GemGen's implementation has enabled the client to achieve the following:

  • Reduction in overall testing effort by 70% and enhancement in testing execution cycles, leading to increased productivity.
  • Automatic creation and management of locators for web elements, reducing manual effort and errors by almost 50%.
  • GemGen ensures the certification of successful scenarios by 90%, providing a reliable foundation for automated testing.
Ayush Garg

Ayush Garg

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